Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Careerbuilder and Video resumes

Colleen Aylward has an interesting post on Cheezhead about Careerbuilder's failed video resumes experiment. She elaborates further in response to comments
When a major market share player such as Careerbuilder makes a statement about a product or type of product, the market is apt to believe them. When they say that the use of video technology doesn’t work or that people don’t want to use that technology (even though their earlier surveys concluded that the majority of people they surveyed ARE interested in this technology), then people might actually believe them… especially when it SEEMS like Careerbuilder tried the technology out themselves and would therefore be an expert.
She further highlights the key points including a differentiation between Video resumes and Video interviews

  1. Putting up a page on your website for candidates to upload a video that they have created elsewhere is NOT a test of video technology
  2. Next, “Video Resumes” are simply talking heads, or a candidate talking their text into a webcam. This use of video technology is not useful as a stand-alone delineator of talent or job match.
  3. “Video Interviews” are an entirely different animal and have a lot of value to hiring managers and recruiters if done correctly.
Most importantly
Careerbuilder blamed the market for not being ready … which isn’t true… instead of accepting blame for 1) implementing what they erroneously thought was going to be the “demand” use of video technology 2) implementing it poorly and 3) failing to place any significant marketing or support efforts around something so new.
We agree with Colleen that video as a recruitment tool has a role to play. Today, it is a phase of trying out new ideas to come up with the best model.

This also shows that Careerbuilder has become the complete corporate beast when it refuses to acknowledge its mistakes but blames the market as too stupid to understand their great idea.

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